Notice is hereby given that the Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County Maryland (“HOC”)
will conduct a public hearing at
12:00 noon on Tuesday, September 5, 2023
in person at HOC’s office 10400 Detrick Avenue, Kensington MD 20895


The public hearing will concern the plan of financing, including the loans funded from the proceeds of private activity bonds issued by HOC, for financing the acquisition, construction, renovation, rehabilitation or other costs of the multifamily residential rental housing projects listed below (the “Projects”) in an amount not to exceed the maximum aggregate amount of private activity bond obligations to be issued for such Projects as set forth below (or refunding of any obligation by other obligations in amounts up to such maximum aggregate principal amount).

Additional information relating to the bonds to be issued and the Project is available by writing Vivian Benjamin at the above address or calling 240-627-9590.

Name of Project:      Hillandale Gateway AR
Number of Units in Project:  155
Prospective Location:   10100, 10110, and 10120 New Hampshire Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20903
Initial Owner, Operator, or Manager:  HOC at Hillandale  AR. LLC
Maximum Aggregate Amount of Obligations to be Issued:  $70,000,000
  Name of Project:      Hillandale Gateway NAR-LIHTC
Number of Units in Project:  93
Prospective Location:    10100, 10110, and 10120 New Hampshire Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20903
Initial Owner, Operator, or Manager:  HOC at Hillandale NAR. LLC
Maximum Aggregate Amount of Obligations to be Issued:  $50,000,000

All interested parties are invited to submit written comments or present oral comments at the public hearing regarding the issuance of bonds, notes, or other obligations of HOC for the Projects being financed.  Oral comments may be given during the hearing.  Oral comments will be limited to presentations of no more than five (5) minutes per person.

Written comments should be received by HOC via mail or email on or before 10:00 am on Friday, September 1, 2023 and should be submitted to Vivian Benjamin, Assistant Director of Federal Financing, at the address given above or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  

Date published August 25, 2023