• IRS, W-9, Taxpayer ID Number & Certification Form (Get Acrobat Reader) pdfIcon
    HOC is required by the IRS to have an accurate W-9 on file for every vendor that receives funds from HOC for 1099 reporting purposes.
  • Change of Name/Address Form (Get Acrobat Reader) pdfIcon
    Landlord may fax or mail this form when there is a change in the Owner Information (i.e., Name, Previous Address, New Address, New Phone, Social Security Number, Employer Tax ID, signature, etc.)
  • Direct Deposit Form
  • Landlord Property Listing Form
  • Vacate Notice
    The vacate notice may be submitted when the resident has been in the unit for more than a year and the owner/resident serve either party with a thirty day notice.
  • Ownership Authorization Form
    Used so that HOC does not have to obtain a management agreement or deed to verify proof of ownership on properties under contract with HOC. Instead, owner signs under penalty of perjury that he/she has legal interest/ownership in the subject property under which HAP will be paid.
  • HUD’s brochure, "A Good Place to Live"

Commonly Missed Items During Unit Inspection

  • This list is provided as a courtesy to landlords and residents to help identify items that may arise during inspection and that may be corrected prior to the inspection. Please be aware that there may be additional items not included in this list.
  • The unit MUST be clean. The yard must be well-maintained and free of trash and obstacles. If a resident is occupying the unit, good housekeeping is required.
  • All utilities MUST be operating at the time of inspection.
  • Ceilings and walls may NOT have large cracks or holes that allow drafts, severe bulging or leaning, large amounts of loose or falling surface material, such as plaster.
  • There may be NO peeling of paint on exterior or interior of unit.
  • There may be NO cracked or broken windows.
  • There MUST be locks on all windows.
  • There may be NO missing or torn screens. Glass sliding doors must have screen doors.
  • Smoke alarms MUST be operational. If chirping, battery is weak.
  • Appliances MUST be installed and in working condition
    (stove, refrigerator, burners, etc.).
  • There may NOT be any broken or frayed wiring or light fixtures hanging from wires.
  • All electrical outlets and switches MUST have cover plates.
  • There may NOT be any torn carpet or flooring with large cracks
    or holes that could cause someone to trip.
  • All plumbing MUST be in working condition.
  • There MUST be a working fan in enclosed bathrooms.
  • There MUST be a railing for four steps or more.
  • There MUST be a working cooling and heating system
    (regardless of the season).