The Resident Advisory Board (RAB) of the Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County (HOC) assists HOC with the execution of its responsibilities as the Public Housing Authority, by providing the residents with a forum for sharing information and making recommendations on the Public Housing Administrative Plan and other matters that affect the wellbeing of HOC’s residents..
The Resident Advisory Board (RAB):
- is open to all individuals who participate in any of HOC’s housing programs or reside in a unit owned, operated, managed or administered by HOC;
- schedules monthly meetings to consider items put forth for its consideration;
- makes recommendations to the Commissioners and Executive Director regarding changes to existing or proposed policies that impact residents and/or HOC customers; and
- prepares and presents testimony to government groups regarding pending legislation and program changes affecting low and moderate income residents.
The RAB Members:
Tenant Based | Supportive Housing | Project Based Voucher |
Alafia Fortune |
Adam Pinchuck |
Dawna Phillips |
Linda Farewell |
Project-Based Rental Assistance |
Denise Anderson |
Irma Washington |
The RAB is a jurisdiction-wide resident organization that consists of nine (9) seats, which are allocated as follows:
- Three (3) Tenant Based Voucher (TBV) Program Seats, which are designated for residents participating in the federal tenant-based Housing Choice Voucher Program (the TBV Program);
- One (1) Supportive Housing Program Seat, which is designated for residents participating in a federally funded permanent supportive housing program (the SH Program);
- One (1) Project Based Voucher (PBV) Program Seat, which is designated for residents participating in the federal project-based Housing Choice Voucher Program (the PBV Program);
- One (1) Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Program Seat, which is designated for a resident participating in the Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program (the LIHTC Program); and
- Three (3) Project Based Rental Assistance (PBRA) Program Seats, which are designated for residents participating in the federal Project Based Rental Assistance Program (the PBRA Program).
All current nine (9) members of the RAB were elected by their peers in July 2023 and formally installed on October 4, 2023 for a term of three (3) years.
The Resident Advisory Board (RAB) of the Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County (HOC) assists the agency with the execution of its responsibilities as the Public Housing Authority, by providing the residents with a forum for sharing information and making recommendations on the Public Housing Administrative Plan and other matters that affect the wellbeing of HOC’s residents.
The RAB meets every month to consider various issues that affect the lives of HOC customers. The RAB makes recommendations to the HOC Commissioners and Executive Director regarding changes to HOC policies and programs that affect HOC customers. The RAB also prepares and presents testimony to government groups about pending legislation and program changes affecting low and moderate-income residents.
The RAB is open to all individuals who participate in a) Tenant Based Voucher Program b) Supportive Housing Program c) Project Based Housing Choice Voucher Program d) Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program or d) the federal Project Based Rental Assistance Program.
Specifically, the following seats will be available to residents:
- 3 Seats: Tenant Based Voucher
- 1 Seat: Supportive Housing Program
- 1 Seat: Project Based Voucher
- 1 Seat: Low Income Housing Tax Credit
- 3 Seats: Project Based Rental Assistance
The RAB conducts formal monthly meetings in person.
RAB meets monthly at 10400 Detrick Avenue, Kensington, Maryland 20895. Occasionally, meetings are also conducted virtually
The RAB Meetings are scheduled to last two hours once a month. However, there are a few times that the President of RAB may issue a Special Call meeting.
The term of each RAB member is three (3) years.
The nine (9) seats shall have no limitation on the number of consecutive terms that each member may serve. All seats on the RAB shall be for a term of three (3) years.