For Lenders    |    Special Programs for HOC Residents    |     HOC Existing Loan Customers


  • HOC uses the industry uniform note and deed of trust at settlement.
  • The lender will provide a good faith estimate of expenses within 3 days of application.
  • The lender will provide a truth in lending form at application.
  • You will receive a deed at settlement conveying title to you.
  • If the property is an MPDU, there will be MPDU covenants which will have been recorded and which establish the rules governing the MPDU. These are not part of the mortgage.
  • If the property is in a homeowners association and/or a condominium, the homeowners association and/or condominium will have recorded their own documents governing the property. You will receive a copy of those at the time of sales contract. These are not part of the mortgage.
  • If you have closing cost assistance, there will be a second mortgage